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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

4 posters

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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

Post  Guest Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:49 pm

he attacked once then i attacked once back to see if my half mob could wint then he chained me so i messaged him just to see how much xp he got cause i only have 4 def then he got rude


Kelly A McKinnon

Today at 8:25pm

how much xp do u get from me i only have 4 def and half a mob cause im just starting this acct out again?

Luc Lavalliere

Today at 8:25pm
Report Message

never attack if you dont want the reply

Kelly A McKinnon

Today at 8:26pm

what u mean ?

Luc Lavalliere

Today at 8:27pm
Report Message

you hit me i hit you back 1000 times

Kelly A McKinnon

Today at 8:30pm

thats just gonna get u killed over and over but i was just wonderin how much xp u got so if u wanna be an ass then bye and good luck dyin

Luc Lavalliere

Today at 8:30pm
Report Message

lol you thimk you re the onlyon with many financers??? get ready to die a lot

kelly A McKinnon

Today at 8:37pm

ok ty lol

Luc Lavalliere

Today at 8:37pm
Report Message

level 50 and below listing you

Kelly A McKinnon

Today at 8:38pm

ready whole family gonna list u for weeks once i post ur attacks and messages

Luc Lavalliere

Today at 8:40pm
Report Message

i dont care i play once a week

Luc Lavalliere

Today at 8:40pm
Report Message

even sometimes i dont come for a month

Kelly A McKinnon

Today at 8:40pm

look at my stats does it look like i care i made it to 502 in 2 days lmfao

Luc Lavalliere

Today at 8:41pm
Report Message

yeah u care when you need to pay to play an internet game lemme tell you, you have absolutely no life

Kelly A McKinnon

Today at 8:42pm

ya thats to funny cause i have never spent a penny on the game lol begone u pathetic loser

5 minutes ago:
You died, losing 300
experience points. [delete]
5 minutes ago:
kidlavallee has added you to the hit list for $1,845,002,280. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 330 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 326 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 331 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 330 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 325 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 328 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were punched in the face by in it for sex and drugs, taking 33 damage. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 327 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 329 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 328 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]
23 minutes ago:
You were attacked by in it for sex and drugs.
You lost the fight, taking 328 damage and losing $100,000. [delete]


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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty Re: in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

Post  Guest Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:03 pm



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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty mmm

Post  Tractor Pants Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:07 am

"in it for sex and drugs", Level 520 Tycoon
add to hitlist…
Joined 103 days ago. This user is currently dead.
Tractor Pants
Tractor Pants

Number of posts : 38
Age : 36
FB Name : Matthew Van-Look
Registration date : 2008-07-24


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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty Re: in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

Post  Guest Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:04 am

59 seconds ago:
Joey Threeface

var app_8743457343 = new fbjs_sandbox(8743457343).setBridgeHash("");app_8743457343.validation_vars = {"fb_sig_locale":"en_US","fb_sig_in_new_facebook":1,"fb_sig_time":"1229882635.9414","fb_sig_added":1,"fb_sig_profile_update_time":1228350413,"fb_sig_expires":1229972400,"fb_sig_user":1646335294,"fb_sig_session_key":"2.94_PNyMIrOPD_EGKGJ0Isw__.86400.1229972400-1646335294","fb_sig_api_key":"afe4c25ae28531b4785fe2a9a54fd1fb","fb_sig":"684254f974f9b7a4dfe5bce29f8e9616"};app_8743457343.context = "4a91226564e8";app_8743457343.contextd = "O:16:\"CanvasFBMLFlavor\":1:{s:9:\"_fbml_env\";a:15:{s:4:\"user\";i:1646335294;s:6:\"app_id\";s:10:\"8743457343\";s:10:\"fb_page_id\";i:0;s:10:\"canvas_url\";s:33:\"http:\/\/apps.facebook.com\/mobwars\/\";s:10:\"source_url\";s:22:\"http:\/\/\/\";s:9:\"loggedout\";b:0;s:7:\"non-tos\";b:0;s:11:\"flavor_code\";i:3;s:14:\"on_canvas_info\";b:0;s:8:\"is_tosed\";b:1;s:8:\"fb_frame\";s:7:\"mobwars\";s:13:\"is_translator\";b:0;s:14:\"intl_tag_depth\";i:0;s:12:\"translations\";a:0:{}s:17:\"non_underlineable\";a:0:{}}}";app_8743457343.data = {"user":1646335294,"installed":true};app_8743457343.bootstrap();

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new a8743457343_RealCountdown('cur_cash', 2667, 3240, 2330563212, 0, 177718380, 'currency');

new a8743457343_RealCountdown('cur_health', 30, 180, 120, 770, 1);

new a8743457343_RealCountdown('cur_energy', 10, 300, 0, 10, 1);

new a8743457343_RealCountdown('cur_recovery', 80, 120, 3, 23, 1);

a8743457343_setTimeout(a8743457343__updater, 100);

has killed in it for sex and drugs and claimed your bounty of $1,535,653,456. [delete


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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty Re: in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

Post  Guest Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:36 pm

13 minutes ago:

var app_8743457343 = new fbjs_sandbox(8743457343).setBridgeHash("");app_8743457343.validation_vars = {"fb_sig_locale":"en_US","fb_sig_in_new_facebook":1,"fb_sig_time":"1229974514.5591","fb_sig_added":1,"fb_sig_profile_update_time":1228350413,"fb_sig_expires":1230062400,"fb_sig_user":1646335294,"fb_sig_session_key":"2.C9W4ZGma1XKZhlLeO82nEQ__.86400.1230062400-1646335294","fb_sig_api_key":"afe4c25ae28531b4785fe2a9a54fd1fb","fb_sig":"5d198e8db8833b89b3abe462c01ac555"};app_8743457343.context = "4a91226564e8";app_8743457343.contextd = "O:16:\"CanvasFBMLFlavor\":1:{s:9:\"_fbml_env\";a:15:{s:4:\"user\";i:1646335294;s:6:\"app_id\";s:10:\"8743457343\";s:10:\"fb_page_id\";i:0;s:10:\"canvas_url\";s:33:\"http:\/\/apps.facebook.com\/mobwars\/\";s:10:\"source_url\";s:22:\"http:\/\/\/\";s:9:\"loggedout\";b:0;s:7:\"non-tos\";b:0;s:11:\"flavor_code\";i:3;s:14:\"on_canvas_info\";b:0;s:8:\"is_tosed\";b:1;s:8:\"fb_frame\";s:7:\"mobwars\";s:13:\"is_translator\";b:0;s:14:\"intl_tag_depth\";i:0;s:12:\"translations\";a:0:{}s:17:\"non_underlineable\";a:0:{}}}";app_8743457343.data = {"user":1646335294,"installed":true};app_8743457343.bootstrap();

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a8743457343_TimerLoop.prototype.update = function(){
if(($FBJS.ref(this).Timer.getElapsed() / $FBJS.ref(this).duration) - $FBJS.ref(this).loopCount >= 1){

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return $FBJS.ref(this).duration - $FBJS.ref(this).getElapsed();
a8743457343_Timer.prototype.getElapsed = function(){
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a8743457343_Timer.prototype.getPercentElapsed = function(){
return a8743457343_Math.min(1, $FBJS.ref(this).getElapsed() / $FBJS.ref(this).duration);

function a8743457343__updater(){
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new a8743457343_RealCountdown('cur_cash', 586, 3240, 60818, 0, 201434480, 'currency');

new a8743457343_RealCountdown('cur_health', 109, 180, 706, 870, 1);

new a8743457343_RealCountdown('cur_energy', 167, 300, 2, 10, 1);

new a8743457343_RealCountdown('cur_recovery', 118, 120, 20, 23, 1);

a8743457343_setTimeout(a8743457343__updater, 100);

has killed in it for sex and drugs and claimed your bounty of $1,547,493,472. [delete]


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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty Re: in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

Post  master guru Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:22 am

You successfully added in it for sex and drugs to the hitlist.

10 seconds ago:
AxlRulez has killed in it for sex and drugs and claimed your bounty of $1,547,493,536. [delete]
master guru
master guru

Number of posts : 151
FB Name : Ramiz Guru Ji
Registration date : 2008-07-30


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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty Re: in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

Post  Guest Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:09 pm

This user is already dead and cannot be placed on the hitlist.


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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty Re: in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

Post  Hvit Loek Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:53 pm

You successfully added in it for sex and drugs to the hitlist.

26 sekunder ago:
Billy Ballsack drepte in it for sex and drugs og krevde dusøren din på $1,631,061,792

Hvit Loek

Number of posts : 16
FB Name : Hans-Kristian Norheim
Registration date : 2008-12-19


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in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED Empty Re: in it for sex and drugs - 1.9 bill - APPROVED

Post  merLiNi Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:31 pm

This user is already dead and cannot be placed on the hitlist.

Number of posts : 94
Age : 37
FB Name : Mohsin Ahmad
Registration date : 2008-07-25


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